Monday, September 23, 2024

Excerpt from Outback Proposal

I thought I'd share an excerpt of Outback Proposal, if you haven't already purchased a copy from Amazon. 

With my first five star review I couldn't be happier. 

Enjoy and have a great day/night.

Suzanne :) x


‘Well, hello Christmas.’ Emily Walker slowed her pace and adjusted the package on her hip. Her gaze rested on three men climbing from a black Ford Raptor.

She eyed the strangers as they met up on the footpath. They looked similar, and she gathered they were brothers. Very attractive brothers.

Keeping her steps steady, she reached the door to her book store and slipped inside. It took a few moments to catch her breath, before she peeked through the front window.

She studied the older man and heat built in her cheeks. How could she not? He stood at least six foot two and had wavy jet-black hair, which curled at the collar of his crisp blue shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. What a specimen.

Her mobile rang and she dragged her gaze away. She recognised the number and after a few eye rolls, she had to answer it. She plastered a smile to her face and clicked the button to connect to her boss, Bradley King.

‘Hello Brad. This is a surprise.’

‘Hell, Emily, what have you been doing? I haven’t heard from you in two weeks.’

She lifted a hand to adjust her shoulder length blonde ponytail. ‘You know I had to set up the business and blend in with the community.’

‘Have you been out to the property?’

‘Not yet. Do we know who owns it?’

‘It’s registered under the business name of Cumberland Enterprises. That’s all we have. The name goes back a few generations.’

‘What am I supposed to do? Arrive on their doorstep and ask to see the owner.’ Emily stretched her neck and rotated it from side to side. Something in there
pinged. ‘Ouch.’

‘What are you doing?’


‘I’ll try to dig deeper. We need that signature.’

‘Is there a reason for the rush on this one?’

‘The place is full of copper, silver, zinc, and lead. We can’t lose it.’

‘It’s taken a while for the locals to warm to me. No one here seems to know much. They don’t discuss business with strangers. The old small town gossip mills don’t run here.’

‘One look at that angel face of yours and they’d believe every word you say.’

This image will give you an idea of how dry the area is between Red Rock and Cumberland Station. There's a reason I have used Red Rock in this novel, as if you've read my past novels, you will recognise the name. Stay tuned for more details. :)