Monday, July 22, 2013

Hunter Romance Writers Meeting

I met up with the Hunter Romance Writers in Newcastle on Saturday, where as usual it was a great meeting. Only two members were absent, and we went over pitches for those members pitching at the Romance Writers of Australia Conference in Freemantle this year. (which is next month) It's lovely to catch up with other writers. We laughed so much, chatted, and basically it was a great day. There's something about chatting with writers. It recharges the batteries. :)

Two members couldn't make it and it was such a shame, I do hope you are better soon. :)

Suzanne H, Kerrie, Linda, Tea, Ann, Simone, Stacey, (she must have been hiding) Erin, and Deb.

The Pacific Highway on the way home. I live over that mountain. lol
 Well, seeing the meeting inspired me, I'm off to write, and this week I want to get heaps done. Take care, and don't forget to smile. You know the rest. lol. :)


Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a lovely day for the drive, Suz. I bet it's getting chilly down there. Hope you get done all you plan. :)

Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

It was raining in the morning in patches, and cleared half way down. It was a really nice day.

I do hope so, fingers and toes crossed for me. lol.. :)