I have been tagged by a lovely woman, a kind dear friend, Tami. Hi Tami.
I’m supposed to answer five questions with five answers and tag 5 more bloggers.
Question 1: Where were you five years ago?
A. 2005. I was living 20 minutes north, and we were building the house I’m now living in. I was thinking about getting back into writing. :) Also in 2005 we flew to QLD for the day so I could visit a girlfriend. It was a lovely flight. I have complete confidence in hubby’s flying ability. :)
Question 2: What is (was) on your to-do list today?
1. Go for a power walk
2. Grocery shopping
3. Write
4. Write
5. Write
6. And write
Question 3: What five snacks do you enjoy?
1. Lollies lol
2. Occasionally a rum and raisin ice cream. Yum.
3. I don’t snack that much. Hmm.
4. Dips, I love avocado dip
5. Crackers. Those pepper water ones.
Where did question 4 go? Hey Tami I think I can count. Lol :) Sucked into cyber perhaps.
Question 5: What five things would you do if you were a billionaire?
1. Write and keep writing
2. Travel more
3. Help others
4. Perhaps open a publishing company
5. Buy more investment properties
And 5 bloggers to pass it on to...in no particular order.
This is going out to:
1. Christina Phillips. http://christinaphillips.blogspot.com/ She is a talented, persistent author. Her novel Forbidden isn’t released until September but it’s available on Amazon right now. Woo Hoo!
2. Helene Young. http://www.heleneyoung.com/category/blog/ Helene’s first novel Border Watch has just been released.
3. Suzanne Jones. http://suzanne-sj.blogspot.com/ Suzanne is supportive of all writers. Her blog posts are from the heart and she always has something interesting to say.
4. Mel Teshco. http://melteshco.blogspot.com/ if you love vampires and loved twilight then pop on over. She has a great blog.
5. Karlene Blackemore. http://karlybm.blogspot.com/ Her next release is Operation Summer Storm. Don’t you just love that title. Her previous novel has a great cover as well. Fallout.
Thanks, Suz! LOL on your snacking answer. I don't snack either!!! I shall go and do this now!!!
Hi Suz!
Thanks for thinking of me =)
okay, I'm going to do mine too before I forget (again!!)
Aw, thanks Suzanne. I'm thrilled.
HI Suzanne! :) I like learning things about you - I didn't know your hubby can fly! :) I'm extremely impressed and even a little jealous! LOL
I will have to check out the answers of your wonderful recipients!
I'm so glad that you are my friend - now kick me in the butt so I can start writing!
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