Friday, February 10, 2023

My Heritage. A little more about me.

 I've been writing Rural Romantic Suspense for many years now. When I first started writing Outback stories there wasn't many Outback stories about. I think Emma Darcy wrote the first Outback Romance. I found writing books set in the Outback appealing. I could write about what I know and what I have learned.

Why do I love the bush so much? Why do I feel I can really breathe when I’m out in an open paddock? Why do I feel my roots are embedded in this wonderful land we call Australia? The list is endless and the answer is, I found out about eight years ago and then all the little things throughout my life gradually slotted into place.

I was born on the edge of the Outback. That said, I am an Octoroon, meaning one eighth Aboriginal on my mother’s side. The bush was and is a delight for me. My grandmother, who was half-blooded, taught me which berries were poisonous and which ones were edible. She also introduced me to a sap on a tree that tasted like lollies. At the time I had no idea of her heritage.

And if you’re wondering if I have ever eaten a goanna, a snake or a kangaroo? The answer is no. However, I did try a few witchetty grubs, which I thought tasted like chicken with a peanut buttery taste. The tradition is eating the grubs raw. Mine were cooked. lol

Most of my novels are in eBook format and have been best sellers on Amazon in Australia. Hopefully in the near future some print versions will be available.

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Coming Soon. Outback Deception. Release Date February 14th. Yah! Valentine's Day. :)

Some photographs that inspired Outback Deception.

Thank you,

Suzanne x