Do you ever wonder if the title of your current wip is suitable, or the best in charge of your entire novel?
I've been weighing up titles for my current wip and to tell you the truth I have ended up with two. lol.. Airborne and Forgotten Memories. We all want our titles to be catchy and represent the story idea inbetween the pages don't we?
My last novel had seven titles and I managed to come up with one. I know that if an editor doesn't think the title suits you have to come up with something else, or they will inspire you.
The problem is I'm truly stuck for a title. Finding one to represent the entire novel and what it is about is a crushing experience at present. lol.... I know it depends on who you are targeting. Like the, Dashing Prince of the Pacific, I think that is somewhat Harlequin. The Arranged Marriage or Marriage Menu, all harlequin.
But what about those others that are slightly romantic suspense... so I've got Airborne and Forgotten Memories. Just something for me to ponder while I think about my next manuscript. Yes, I have finished at 68.000 words but wanted it to be seventy but that shouldn't be a problem.... Hmmm. Who am I targeting. Well, I originally thought a particular publisher but I don't think they publish amnesia and aircraft stories. Then I see so many more publishers I can send it to. So hopefully this one will find a home soon.
I was also thinking, I'm making my trailer for this one after the last dramatic episode. lol..
How do you go with your titles? Do you thrash them around in your mind, or do you have others to help you. If the latter is the case, don't they have to read the manuscript to form an opinion? Well, I do. I have to know all about the story to form some type of title.
I guess a title is not something to be overly stressed about, but I do. :) Forgotten Memories rings a bell. Even though, if the publisher already has that title then it's a no go. lol...
Okay, guess what it's nearly the weekend and I'm looking forward to having the few days with hubby. Not much else going on my home front. As for work, my novel Heat in the Outback has had its final errata completed. Yah.. for its release on the 7th June Us. 8th June in Oz.
Have a great weekend, and a lovely time. Meanwhile I'll be contemplating my next wip and thinking what title to use. :)
Suzanne :)
Hi Suzanne,
Great topic. I have struggled with titles, yet in the end one of them wins over.
Let it rest for a while. Without knowing your wip, I'd be hopeless at suggesting. Perhaps Forgotten Memories, it has an intrigue about it. :)
Tarnya. x.
Hi Suzanne!
Having a title is one thing I really like to have before going too far into the MS. Something that represents the story and has a nice little ring to it (at least in my mind). Good luck wiht choosing one - I also like Forgotten Memories =)
I like Forgotten Memories, there's something intrigueing about it.
Thank you Tarnya, Lia and's good to know what people think. It's a great way to find out what works and doesn't work. I've had so much feedback it's absolutely wonderful.
And a special thanks to Lia for your lovely comments on Passion in Paradise. I'm so happy you loved it. :) Hopefully your work hours will be down a little soon.
Suzanne :)
I'm struggling with a title for my wip at the moment. I've just re-titled it but I don't think it will fly, since it has "Forbidden" in the middle of it!!!
and I like Forgotten Memories too!!
Title have a strange habit of sneaking up on me at 3am in the morning! Must be my subconsious muse at work lol! Caroline x
Sometimes I have a title in mind that just seems to 'fit' but more often lately, like you, Suz, I find myself struggling to find the right title. I think my problem is similar to you in that I've changed who I'm now aiming my books at. Then again "The Cattleman's Runaway Bride" was originally aimed at Mills and Boon, but Eternal contracted it and kept the title- which I still think is bit too mills and boony sounding!!
Titles are often very hard to come up with especially when the publisher has all ready a release in that title. Coming up with a title that will capture an editors interest is a major point. I love the feel that Forgotten Memories portrays. My choice is FM.
I have big trouble with titles - sometimes I happen upon one by accident, but most of the time I really struggle.
I've sometimes resorted to listing all my possibilities and polling my friends. Then if an editor needed a different title, I'd already have a list of possibilities.
By the way, if you did that I'd choose Airborne over Forgotten Memories.
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