Sunday, October 18, 2009

Romance Writers of Australia Conference 1997/Signature Bear /Opps now there are 28

Do you recognise this signature bear?

He's been sitting on my desk since the day I won him in 1997, in Sydney. Although I left RWA for quite a few years he's always remained in my office. He has 27 signatures.

But my problem is I only recognise some of the names. (not because they are blurry, because I can't understand the signature) :) If anyone can help I'd be most thankful. :) Perhaps someone that has signed the bear will know of the other names, and even if you haven't perhaps you may know if you attended the conference in 1997. I've put a question mark next to the names I can't read correctly.

  1. Aoray?? ya?? Cask?? Cash?? Photograph of sig to follow.
  2. Alison Kelly 
  3. Anna Jacobs
  4. Anna Charlton
  5. Anne De-Lisle
  6. Anne Rennie
  7. Ashley Knight
  8. Elizabeth Duke
  9. Emma Darcy
  10. Gayle Sutherland
  11. Helen Bianchin
  12. Helen Shelton
  13. Isobel Swift
  14. Joan Kilby
  15. Lilan Darcy
  16. Louisa Francis
  17. Lyne Wilding
  18. Lynsey Stevens 
  19. Marion Lenox
  20. Meredith Webber
  21. Miranda Lee
  22. Nora Roberts
  23. Robyn Donald
  24. Shannah Jay
  25. Sherry Ann Jacobs
  26. Siane ?? Photograph of sig to follow
  27. Suzzanah Blue
  28. Valeri Parv
 Thank you if you can help. :) 

Thank you. Kerri Lane has been more than helpful in providing the correct names etc. I have only two left so I will post up a photograph and see if someone can't recognise their signatures.
Thanks everyone. :)

Here's one of the signatures we haven't recognised as yet.

The other is just, Siane. Written very clearly.

Thank you. :)


Rachael Johns said...

Cool bear Suz... hope you find out all the names!!

Unknown said...

Love the bear Suz :)

Number 17 will be Lynne Wilding -


Anonymous said...

maybe you need to post individual photos of some of the more puzzling signatures.

Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Hi Cait,
Thanks for that. And Diane, will do. :) Asap.

Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Thanks Rach, getting there. :)

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like 'Nancy Cash'

Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Thanks Diane. Only one more to go. Wow, now that was easy. :)

Caryn Caldwell said...

Fun challenge! Of course, I'm not at all helpful with it, but I do wish you luck. And congrats on winning it, even if it was so long ago. What a fun idea!

Mel Teshco said...

ooh that name is so hard to decipher. I'd say Cash. But it could end in an L?

Anonymous said...

Nancy Cash, Suzanne.

Summer of Love by Jennifer Bacia, Nancy Cash, Beverley Harper, Anna Jacobs, Fran Kendall, Kerry Lane, Di Morrissey, Judy Nunn and Lilly Sommers - book cover.

Siane rings no bells. Diane?


Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Thanks Bron,
It is strange no one seems to know Siane. Thanks for your contribution. I can see clearly now. lol........ except for one. :)
Oh... Okay am looking to see if it's Dianne. No... it's definately an S for Siane.

Christina Phillips said...

Aw the bear is sooo cute and what a lovely idea, to have a signed bear as a prize!