Monday, August 5, 2013

One simple secret for success as a writer

The title sounds awesome doesn't it? It drew me in, as I am thinking it did you. :)

Rachelle Gardner has amazing posts, with professional guest bloggers who give so much to writers, as Rachelle does. It's true though. As a writer I have focused too much on my audience, and with me it's the marketing side of writing, which involves so much time for a writer.

I have to concentrate more on the process of writing that novel. Which will be my intention as from today. lol... Yes....Oh okay then, I'll check facebook during the week, and be around from time to time, but I'm going to lose myself in my story. I have done so in the past. So to lose myself I need to stay there and walk in my characters shoes, think how my characters think, feel how they feel, picture what they can see.

I can do that.

Have a good day everyone. :)

Don't forget check out the link below. Bye. :)


Anonymous said...

Sometimes it's a hard slog when you're in your characters shoes and you're putting them through the wringer.

Hope the words flow. :)

Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

I agree Sandy. Thanks. I was going really well until today. 2.000 plus words each day, but so far only 1.000. I'll have to get off here if I want to do more. :)

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to your next novel Suzanne.


Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Hi Marion
Thank you. Hopefully it will be towards the end of this year. :)