Sunday, September 21, 2014

Hunter Romance Writers- Meeting for September

Busy studying Pinterest. 
Another great meeting yesterday with my writer's group, Hunter Romance Writers. 

One of the topics we covered was the structuring a novel. I'm sure most writers have heard or seen this. You use a corkboard and place all your post it notes (sticky notes) in various colours representing, Setting, Hero's POV, Heroine's POV, Overall Chapter, Secondary Characters, Turning Points, Black Moments, Back-story, Danger, and Love Scenes in a square marked out as chapters.

By doing this it helps with the structure, flow, and plot of the novel. Also by looking at the post it notes, you can see what is missing, or if something is in the wrong place in your novel. I should have taken a photograph.  There are many different procedures on 'how to.' Most writers use what they are comfortable with or what works for them.

We discussed our Christmas party, Pinterest, and spoke about what stage we are up to in our writing. It's a productive group, with most of our members finishing a manuscript, completing the first three chapters, currently plotting another, soon to be published, receiving offers, submitting, or completing edits.

It was great to see everyone again. :)