Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Off for a short break and Edits

How does one title a post such as this. It's like AWOL, edits, busy, parties, a break without the break. lol

My edits for 'Eyes of A Stranger', a contemporary romance with suspenseful elements rolled in yesterday. So I will be around, but not commenting or posting as much. If you need me I'm only an email away. :)

I am also going to QLD for a few weeks, one of my brothers is having an engagement party, and to take care of some of personal business. Oh, and also we are taking a few extra days and staying at some lovely resorts. As usual I will have laptop and ipad in hand, with Internet connection. (ah, the necessities of life)

I want to wrap up lots of things before June rolls on in so I can undertake Write in June, 50ks in 30days. A chance to complete, or near complete another manuscript. I love June and November, the National Novel Writing Month. Two opportunities to complete new manuscripts.

Okay, have a great few weeks. I'm over at Romance Writers of Australia blog on Friday the 23 March. I'll be checking my ipad throughout the day, so if you have time pop on in and say hello. You may find out something you never knew about me. lol In fact I can guarantee it. :) lol

1 comment:

Tarnya said...

Have a great time Suzanne.

Tarnya. x